Corporate Wellbeing
The Corporate Wellbeing Coach encourages directors and managers to apply the holistic approach from sports into the business world. Serge Haubourdin proves with concrete examples that businesses who use this vision, achieve more, they have a healthier and human working atmosphere, in short: They have a more successful well-being.

Serge Haubourdin
A holistic view on corporate welfare
The Corporate Wellbeing Coach is a book full of inspirations. In an enlightening way, the author shares insights about the energetic dynamics of individuals and groups when the psyche is combined with food-, movement- and lifestyle. Job crafting, personal coaching, carrier coaching, coach competences , burn-out prevention, core talents and conflict management are keywords that are covered.
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The importance and challenge of mental programs
Personal evolution: personal compass for life
Core talents : step stones for personal growth
Positive communication
Happiness at work
The psychologies of food
Stress and burn out prevention and the way to resilience
Natural leadership with the leadership disc
Your own unique coach profile
Job crafting: new relations between employer and employee

Hard and soft forms of corporate well being
Functional exercise
Yoga at work?
Concrete applications: the future of nudging

Nutrition as the foundation for well being
The anti-stress menu

Presenting with impact
Shine online
ROI of corporate well being: how and when to start?
Your personal
coaching profile
Curious about your strengths en which traps you have to pay attention for? Request for the self-test and discover your personal coach profile!
Do you want to become a Corporate Well being Coach too?
The Corporate Well being Coach isn't only pursuing with guiding the employer and the well being of his employees. They also offer profound courses for people who want to coach others. Sign up for the course and discover the fascinating world of Corporate Well being.